What We Do
We specialise in developing practical management systems for governments and supporting organisations to deliver basic services more effectively with disaggregate and near-real-time accountability, transparency and results data. And we train civil servants and others to effectively use and maintain those systems. Our technology facilitates cash transfers for education, health and social protection; tracks school attendance and health records; and supports government ministries with payroll and Human Resource systems.
We build and support education transformation that drives access for all, improves quality learning and builds accountability through stronger systems.
We assist national level health authorities in strengthening their health workforce management through consultations, surveys and management information systems.
Social Protection
We support governments to develop and improve social safety nets and emergency response systems that protect the most vulnerable and build resiliance.
Cash Assistance
We create systems using appropriate technology for at-scale cash support to reach those who need it.
Public Sector Reform
With expertise in the technology, public finance management and basic service delivery contexts where we live and work, we collaborate with government partners to identify, advise, and act on opportunities for public sector reform.
Where We Work
- Accelere!
- Addressing Health HR Data Blockages in Sierra Leone
- Adolescent Girls’ Education in Crisis Initiative (AGENCI)
- Assessment of Government of Somalia HR and Payroll processes
- Assessment of Somalia’s Central Government Payroll System as a potential vehicle for donor support
- Assessment of UNFPA's Global Programme to End Child Marriage
- Axe Filles Education System Assessment
- Baseline Assessment for Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative
- Baseline study: Support for Education and Successful Transitions among Vulnerable Children (SIDA)
- Baseline Survey for Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Project
- Budget Transparency Activities MoFP PFM
- Case Study Research on Teacher Performance and Integrity in Kenya (TePIK)
- Citizens' Budget/ Facilitating Budget Transparency
- Consultancy on harmonised stipend scale and unified payment modality
- Developing transfer website for Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- Development of a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for the National Civil Service Commission
- Digital Tracking System for Mass Distribution of Bed Nets
- Donor Landscape Analysis
- Drafting USAID's Country Development Strategy for Uganda
- Education for Peace, Recovery, and Resilience (EPRR) in South Sudan
- Electronic Financial Management System for the Government of Western Bahr El Ghazal State
- Elgeyo Marakwet County expenditure - M&E software/County Projects implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting for EMC
- Eliminating Exploitative Child Labor through Education and Livelihoods (EXCEL), Cambodia - Child Labour Monitoring Information System
- Endline evaluation of BRAC OOSC project
- Enhanced GBV Prevention, Risk Mitigation and Response through Social Safety Nets
- Establish a Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Platform
- Establishing an Effective Payroll System for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation
- Ethiopians Fighting Against Child Exploitation (E-FACE) - Child Labour Monitoring System
- Evaluation of Somalia’s Education MIS
- Evaluation of Teacher Salary Support programme in Somaliland
- Facilitating the Development of Sierra Leone’s Social Protection Strategy
- Framework for the harmonization of salaries and incentives for civil servants and national technical advisors under a government-led capacity injection
- GEC Girls’ Education Challenge - Tranisition
- GEC Support to Girls’ Education Challenge Monitoring Team
- Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) (without KER component)
- Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS): Attendance Monitoring System, Cash Transfers and Capitation Grants, and Knowledge Evidence and Research (KER)
- Government Hospital Financing Flow Study, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Health Learning Assessment
- Health Pooled Fund PFM
- HICAP Evaluation of Health Institution Capacity Assessment Tool (HICAP)
- Institutional Capacity Assessment for Management Information Systems
- International Review of Social Protection Allocations in National Budgets
- Kenya Equity in Education Project (KEEP) II, Girls' Education Challenge
- Le Projet d’appui à la scolarisation des filles affectées par le conflit au Mali (PASCOFI)
- Learning through Education and Access to Employment Pathways (LEAP)
- Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB): TEAM Girl Malawi
- Lesotho Biometric and Payroll Census
- Linking Ukrainian citizens to urgent cash support
- Local Government Accountability and Performance (LGAP) Project
- Malawi Education Sector Improvement Programme (MESIP), components 3.2 and 3.3
- Malawi Education Sector Improvement Programme (MESIP), components 3.2 and 3.3
- Malawi Schools Attendance Monitoring System
- Mapping of Health Facilities Phase 2 (expansion)
- Maternal Newborn Child Health Programme (MNCH) 2 Assessment
- Mid-Term Review for the Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning (SESIL) programme
- MIS for Save the Children’s education sector work
- Mountain Harvest Process monitoring solution
- National Assessment of the Situation of Education in South Sudan
- National Baseline, Situational Analysis, and Data Management for the Primary School Leadership Programme (PSLP)
- National Out of School Children (OOSC) Strategy
- Ndi Hano!
- Nigeria School Attendance Monitoring System
- OOSC Study - Out-Of-School Children Study
- Perivoli Early Childhood Development Data Collection & Management Reforms
- PlanCard (Up2U) – electronic voucher system
- Pro Bono - Construction for Education in South Sudan
- Promotion of Sustainable Partnerships for Empowered Resilience programme (PROSPER)
- Provision of One-off Third Party Monitoring & Reporting for the South Sudan Social Safety Net Project (SSSNP)
- RCRF Education Payroll Manual, Puntland State Government
- RCRF Recurrent Cost and Reforms Financing (RCRF) Project
- Research for Refugees International
- Review of Pay and Grading for the Somali Health Sector
- Roles and Responsiblities for Decentralised Education Management, Somalia
- Saving Lives in Sierra Leone (SLISL - Phase 1)
- Scanning Teacher Records (TRM scanning)
- Scoping requirements and options for the creation of a Social Support Fund
- SDC SCO Strategy Evaluation Consultant
- Short Term Monitoring and Evaluation for DFID Humanitarian and Resilience in South Sudan (HARISS) Programme
- Sierra Leone Education Attendance Monitoring System (SLEAMS) Pilot
- Sierra Leone Education Initiative: Girls In School
- Sierra Leone Teacher Management Information System (TMIS)
- Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) - Lot 2 - Rebuilding the SCTP Management Information System (MIS)
- Social Cash Transfers Programme (SCTP) - Lot 1
- Somalia Health and Nutrition Programme (SHINE) – HR for Health and PFM
- South Sudan Curriculum Orientation Training
- South Sudan Health Sector Mapping and Facility Survey (Phase 1 & Phase 2)
- South Sudan Humanitarian and Resilience in South Sudan (HARISS) Programme
- South Sudan State-level Responsive Windows Programmes/ Electronic Financial Management System for the Government of Western Bahr el-Ghazal State
- SSEPS Development and implementation of South Sudan Electronic Payroll
- SSEPS Diagnostic audit of SSEPS
- SSEPS Interim Support to South Sudan Electronic Payroll System
- State Ministries of Education Human Resources Information System (HRIS) - pilot
- Strengthening Education Systems in Sierra Leone (SESSL), Teacher records MIS, HR manual
- Strengthening GRMs to promote inclusion, equity and conflict sensitive safety net delivery in South Sudan – Global Literature Review
- Strengthening Social Protection Systems in South Sudan
- Study of the impact of COVID 19 on Education in South Sudan
- Support to Human Resources for Health Donor Working Group for Somalia
- Support to routine child protection M&E systems
- Support to routine child protection M&E systems
- Support to Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation on Payroll, HR and Attendance 1
- Support to Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation on Payroll, HR and Attendance 2
- Technical support to design a child benefit social cash transfer system for the Central African Republic (CAR)
- Textbook Policy and Capacity Development for South Sudan
- Third Party Monitoring for 3 SDC co-funded projects
- Third Party Monitoring Services for the Somalia Multi-Partner Fund
- Uganda Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Contract
- Ukraine Cash Programming Emergency Response
- Unified Social Registry for Somalia (USR)
- UP2U Electronic-Voucher System CAR
- Warrap State Information Technology Strengthening Project
- Wi De Ya, One Tablet Per School, Sierra Leone