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National Baseline, Situational Analysis, and Data Management for the Primary School Leadership Programme (PSLP)

Under a $66million South Sudan Global Partnership for Education Programme (GPEP), CGA was commissioned by Save the Children to contribute to a baseline study of the Primary School Leadership Programme (PSLP).

Under a $66million South Sudan Global Partnership for Education Programme (GPEP), CGA was commissioned by Save the Children to contribute to a baseline study of the Primary School Leadership Programme (PSLP).

As part of the study, which included needs assessments, situational analysis and mapping of key stakeholders for the programmes’ implementation across South Sudan, CGA monitored the project, assessed its impact and efficiency, and provided technical support to the implementation of the programme. Our team led on designing and the implementation of the Baseline survey, identifying the benchmark indicators to evaluate the impact of the programme. We also were designated as the quality assurance of Baseline data collection and designed a data management system and provided monitoring on the indicators and beneficiaries.


CGA’s work developed strategies for head teachers and education managers across South Sudan at National, State, County and Payam level. The project led to a step-change in the performance of school leaders, supervisors and inspectors while delivering long term, system wide mechanisms. The legacy of the project is two professional accredited and assessed courses for school leaders and inspectors and a national cadre of trainers and institutions to deliver the course.


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