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Facilitating the Development of Sierra Leone’s Social Protection Strategy

Developing a strong national social protection system and delivering quality social protection services is a priority of the Government of Sierra Leone. The revised national social protection policy launched in January 2020 set out the goal to ‘establish a gender-sensitive and age-appropriate framework for the protection of the most poor and vulnerable, and to minimise risks of others sliding into poverty through a minimum social protection floor for all Sierra Leonean citizens’. CGA Technologies was contracted to support the development of an integrated national social protection strategy to achieve this goal.

Country/Region: Sierra Leone
Dates/Duration: 2021 - 2022
Funded by: UNICEF, World Bank


CGA provided technical assistance to facilitate the development of an integrated comprehensive five-year social protection strategy and an implementation plan for Sierra Leone.

Technical assistance included providing support to a Development Pathways team to conduct a national consultation process involving key national social protection stakeholders; coordination and facilitation of consultation activities with government and international development agencies and workshops; support and contributing to a literature review, project reports and development of the strategy


Outputs and Resources

  • National Social Protection Strategy 2022-2026

    Sierra Leone’s five year Social Protection Strategy was published in June 2023. It lays out how Sierra Leone and partners will work together to build a universal lifecycle social security system that supports vulnerabilities citizens will face throughout their lives, build their resilience, and enable them to live in dignity.

    Read the strategy


Functional areas: