Baseline Survey for Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Project
Save the Children, with the Norwegian Refugee Council and Finn Church Aid, are leading on the implementation of the Education Cannot Wait Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP).
The MYRP will address the multiple exclusionary factors preventing children in vulnerable communities from acquiring literacy, numeracy and social-emotional skills for better learning outcomes and attaining higher levels of education. CGA Technologies conducted the MYRP baseline in selected the projects targeted areas of Awerial (Lakes State), Duk (Jonglei), Kapoeta North (Eastern Equatoria), Guit (Unity), Tonj North (Warrap), and Baliet (Upper Nile).
Country/Region: | South Sudan |
Dates/Duration: | 2020 - 2020 |
Funded by: | Save the Children South Sudan |
The aim of the baseline study was to establish benchmarks against which the project can measure impact and progress. Through comparative analysis, the baseline looked into the differences between and within the selected targeted States/Counties and marginalised groups to enable project activities to be adapted, designed and implemented in a responsive and context appropriate manner.
The baseline study also looked at overarching themes of enrolment patterns, challenges for children to progress academically, and the ability of teachers to provide quality education to develop benchmark information. The study focused on marginalisation factors impacting children’s access to education. The information collected will allow Save the Children to conduct future impact evaluations to assess MYRP's contribution to improving education in South Sudan.
The baseline employed a mixed method approach to data collection, including survey questionnaires, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and, where possible, classroom observations. Additionally, secondary data sources, such as the South Sudan Schools Attendance Monitoring System (SSSAMS – built by CGA Technologies) and Human Resources Information System (HRIS), were used as well as remote phone interviews with head teachers in Counties CGA did not visit.
Target groups for the baseline included learners, teachers, school heads, parents/community members, school management/governance committees, local education officials, Ministry of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) and implementing partners.