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Strengthening GRMs to promote inclusion, equity and conflict sensitive safety net delivery in South Sudan – Global Literature Review

For the World Bank, we led research to inform strengthening the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) to promote inclusion and equity in the implementation and roll-out of a conflict-sensitive Social Safety Net programme in South Sudan, as part of the Safety Net and Skills Development Project (SNSDP). We evaluated the current working of the GRM and provided provide recommendations for strengthening the active inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups (VMGs). We carried out a global review of experiences/models on how GRMs could be enhanced to better identify, mitigate, and address risks to VMGs in SP delivery systems and public works activities in other similar countries in the region and globally. This included a comprehensive review of international literature on best practice underpinning GRMs that are inclusive in developing and humanitarian contexts and primary research on needs and requirements for a GRM accessible to the most vulnerable in South Sudan. Both components informed comprehensive reporting including detailed practical recommendations to inform its design.

Country/Region: South Sudan


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