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Local Government Accountability and Performance (LGAP) Project

The Local Government Accountability and Performance (LGAP) is a five-year DfID and USAID funded project in Malawi aimed at improving local government performance and transparency across eight districts, and supporting renewed Government efforts to decentralise.

Country/Region: Malawi
Dates/Duration: 2019 - 2021
Funded by: DFID, DAI, USAID
Clients: Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development

As part of the LGAP, CGA was commissioned to develop a Local Authorities Monitoring Information System (LAMIS). It’s aim is to improve the monitoring and evaluation of local government, improve data management and information flow and provide the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development with comprehensive oversight of transparent, real-time and harmonised district-level reporting.

The LAMIS is a web-based integrated database that captures data at district-level within six key districts; it will ultimately be extended to all 35 local authorities. Districts feed into the reporting platform through API, ODK (tablets) or manual input as needed. The system is integrated with parallel line Ministry systems, including the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR), the Real-Time Data Monitoring System (RTDM), the Malawi Covid-19 response system and monitors over 200 indicators across key devolved sectors including Health, Education, Agriculture, Labour, Water and Irrigation, Public Works, Energy, Forestry, and Youth and Sports.