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Health Learning Assessment

The purpose of the HLA was to help USAID improve its health portfolio in light of the political and economic environment in the country at the time. The work included designing and conducting primary qualitative data collection at all levels of the health system and stakeholders from government, donors, implementing agencies and civil society. A document review and analysis of quantitative data was also conducted. Conclusions, findings and recommendations were presented to senior Government and USAID colleagues.

Country/Region: South Sudan
Dates/Duration: 2015 - 2015
Funded by: USAID

CGA conducted a health learning assessment (HLA) for USAID with the aim of providing a better understanding of current health needs and gaps in South Sudan and make recommendations for immediate and future modifications. The assessment gave particular consideration to the country’s extremely high maternal and child morbidity and mortality.

The purpose of the HLA was to help USAID improve its health portfolio in light of the political and economic environment in the country at the time. The work included designing and conducting primary qualitative data collection at all levels of the health system and stakeholders from government, donors, implementing agencies and civil society. A document review and analysis of quantitative data was also conducted. Conclusions, findings and recommendations were presented to senior Government and USAID colleagues.

Outputs and Resources

The HLA enabled USAID to make the necessary modifications to improve its health portfolio in light of the contemporary political and economic environment leading to more effective delivery of services.


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